Monday 12 November 2007

#7 Why I hate my story

This is my story so far. I'm more or less on target as far as the word count goes.

But I hate it. I keep trying to make myself like it, and there are bits that are ok, but... no. I'm bored of it. I don't feel there's anything exciting to look forward to, so I can't even make myself just get through the next bit because... there's only a lot more like it to come. Argh.

Anyway, I am going to keep writing it. I'm going to hit 50K, though the story is planned out to 80K, so it won't actually be finished then. Maybe I'll abandon that planning scheme to try and make it more exciting. *yawn*

But so far as the discipline of actually sitting down and writing nearly 2K every day goes... I've done pretty good. Way better than last year. Last year it took me most of my evening to get my writing done. This year, I sit down and do it in a couple of hours and get the rest of the day to myself.

I'm planning post-NaNo things to keep me going. This is not so much a blog post as me trying to encourage myself to open the thing up and do some more writing...

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